The Maze Escapist
A Game Boy Advance Game written in the language C
If you want to learn more about Game Boy Advance programming and see how I progressed through the development of this game, click on the Maze Escapist page under the Projects Tab above. You will find brief tutorials of the game and how each version is a significant improvement over its predecessor.
Background Game Boy Advance is a handheld gaming device made by Nintendo. It has 16.78MHz processor, 240 X 160 pixel screen, 32 kilobyte + 96 kilobyte VRAM (internal to the CPU), 256 kilobyte WRAM and 15 bit RGB color support. These device specs meant coding very efficiently and using intelligent techniques to make the game faster. I will talk about the techniques I used to make the game faster and to provide a smooth user experience where I give the details of each version. |
I worked on this project for a duration of 5 weeks in my CS1372 class about programming in language C using Game Boy Advance. The libraries for this project were developed with help from my professor namely, Dr. Bill Leahy. I used NetBeans for the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and VisualBoy Advance emulator for running the .gba file/ Game Boy Advance file. Again, you can find more about all the versions by clicking on the links below:
I worked on this project for a duration of 5 weeks in my CS1372 class about programming in language C using Game Boy Advance. The libraries for this project were developed with help from my professor namely, Dr. Bill Leahy. I used NetBeans for the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and VisualBoy Advance emulator for running the .gba file/ Game Boy Advance file. Again, you can find more about all the versions by clicking on the links below: